05.Aug.2014 info@hxjq.com
The locking spring of cone crusher is a safety device, which not only guarantee the normal crushing force, but also protect crusher from damage. Thus, the tightness of spring ( compression height ) should be adjusted in a specified range stipulated by manufacturer, and each set of spring-loaded tightness should be consistent. If the tightness of spring is proper, while support sleeve always move up and down, you must find reasons and solve it, not just screw spring again. Because if spring is compressed excessive, security compression process of spring will be shrink, and increase the load of crusher. When non-crushing materials entering cone crusher, some important parts such as spring, threaded rod and main spindle will be damaged.
Except non-crushing materials entering crusher, the reasons why spring has a normal tightness but support sleeve always move up and down are as follows: uneven or excessive feeding; excessive powder ore feeding in crusher; smaller discharge port; discharge port is jammed by damp crushing materials. When you find the reason, you can solve it successfully.
The above are some advice offered by Hongxing technical department, if you still have any questions, you can contact us.