Cylinder Washing Machine

Cylinder Washing Machine

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iconThe Cylinder Washing Machine can effectively improve the quality of mines, it has prominent economic benefits to the reality of many lean mines in China.

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The Cylinder Washing Machine is generally used for large ore, which is difficult to wash. In the mining process of non-ferrous metal, the raw materials need to be cleaned to avoid clogging the crushing and screening equipment in the raw materials of slime mineral.


  1. It is widely used to clean ore with high mud content, and all kinds of large ores, which is hard to wash. The washing efficiency is up to 99%.

  2. Low rotation power consumption and cost-saving.

  3. Simple structure, stable performance, and high yield.

  4. Low malfunction rate, the long service life of wearing parts.

Working process

The Cylinder Washing Machine is supported by four tugs, the cylinder rotates at a low speed with the motor driving the gears. The mud containing ore enters the rotating drum and is continuously lifted and stirred by a stirring device installed inside the cylinder. The mud containing ore is continuously washed by the high-pressure water column during multiple cycles. The clean ore will be discharged after dehydration by decontamination device.

Parameter Table Of Cylinder Washing Machine

Cylinder Washing Machine
Model Capacity
Motor Power
Φ1.2×4.5 10-30 22
Φ1.5×5 15-45 30
Φ1.8×5.5 25-75 45
Φ2×6 30-100 75
Φ2.4×6.5 50-160 110
Φ2.6×7 45-210 132
Φ3×7.5 90-300 185
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