
Full News on New Craft in Hongxing Artificial Mechanism Sand


Full News on New Craft in Hongxing Artificial Mechanism Sand

Artificial sand is also called mechanism sand. The hill stone and pebble dug from the river are processed the proper sand for building through the jaw crusher, counterattack crusher, cone crusher and sand maker (also called impact crusher). Sand making machine form Henan Hongxing Machinery is widely used for making sand in early time. It orders relevant local standards and then there are mechanism sand production line in Beijing, Chongqing and Hunan. It is said that mechanism sand application, as construction sand for concrete, mortar and other basic materials, is successful without any doubt. And also a lot of engineering practices including remarkable Three Gorge Project and high iron construction project etc. have proved the possibility and necessity of sand mechanism.

The success of Dry powder sand production line and equipment get rid of the environmental restrictions in producing sand and stone. Dry powder sand production line is free from the restrictions of water and environment, and even in the place short of water artificial sand can be made and also can ensure the quality and grade of sand. While the traditional wet production line must be processed in the place with plentiful water resource. In winter it is generally unable to produce in the north or sand produced has not enough water to clean, and there is too much mud stone powder which will seriously affect the gradation of the sand.

Today, various construction careers expand vastly. In the period of insufficient artificial sand supply Hongxing develops series of dry powder production equipment with more than 20 years’ experiences. The equipment settles the problems on environment, cost and quality in producing artificial sand so that when pushed it is approved widely by clients as the new craft for producing mechanism.

Henan Hongxing Machine mainly produces different crushers, sand makers, drying machine and other mining equipment. Through the many researches on artificial mechanism sand and series of grinding machine, and discussions on artificial sand and every sand plant, it finds that artificial can remove the mud powder of the sand without water and keep the rock flour of the sand, and then sand with higher quality is produced. The difference between mechanism sand production and traditional sand production is the water: the former doesn’t need water, while the latter must need water. Therefore we also call the former Dry powder sand production line which has been generalized and adopted and approved by clients and market.

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