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We should pay special attention to the Hongxing roller crusher as the follwing:
(1) To strengthen the work that remove the iron ore. Non-breaking material (solder first class materials) fall between the roller crusher will take damage, result in parking accident. It should be installed the removing iron device in front of the crusher.
(2) Adhesive material is easy to block the broken space, the treatment for the blocking should be done under the pause status,should not be stabbed in the operation.
(3) When dealing with large pieces of material, pay attention to large ore out from the broken space ,prevent injuries or damage to equipment.
(4) After the roll crusher run a long time, due to the roll surface wear greatly, making the size too small particle, adjust the port of discharge or repair the equipment.
(5) To strengthen the inspection of equipment, lubrication equipment, keep the equipment well lubricated condition.