
The New Breakthroughs Made to Wet Strong Magnetic Separator


The New Breakthroughs Made to Wet Strong Magnetic Separator

In 1963, Jones wet strong magnetic separator was research in the United Kingdom and obtained technological patent, which was an important breakthrough in the development course of strong magnetic field magnetic separator. This series of magnetic separator successfully used multiple magnetism-gathering dielectric-slabs between the two original poles, thus greatly increasing the separation space and improving the processing capacity of the magnetic separator.

Later, the KHD Htim-boldt wedag AG of Germany made great improvement to this separating machine, making it effective and economical and then successfully developed various types of strong magnetic field magnetic separating equipment. The efficient and economical wet strong magnetic separator that is able to process super-fine weak magnetism iron ore mainly is Jones strong magnetic separator produced in Germany, and there are now more than ten models, among which, DP-317 type is the most widely used. In recent years, this company made a lot of research and improvement work on this machine and makes new breakthroughs in it structural performance:

1. This machine uses super permalloy system to replace regular magnetic system.

Install the low-temperature super permalloy open magnetic system in a separating turntable and maintain other structure unchanged. This means gives this equipment many advantages such as low energy consumption, high and strong magnetic field, high processing capacity, low material consumption and light weight.

2. Increase the pole head of the magnetic system.

The pole head of the two separating rings of this equipment is increased from four to eight, thus improving the processing capacity of the equipment one time.

3. Increase the separating rings of the magnetic separator.

On the basis of remaining the winding way of the coil unchanged, increase the separating rings to eight in order to reduce the energy consumption of every ring.

4. Change the slid iron rotor into hollow iron rotor.

This breakthrough decreases the weight of the machine, shortens the magnetic circuit and reduces the electricity consumption.

5. Improve the magnetism-gathering dielectric-slabs to help to improve the tastes of the ore concentrate.

An ore beneficiation equipment manufacturing company in the United States successfully researched and developed High-Forcer strong magnetic separator. The magnetic induction intensity of the magnetic roll surface is 2.2T. This machine ahs high magnetic field strength, wide applicable ranges and high separating quality.

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